Best Savings Account

Money in nest
Ways to Save Money

Looking for a savings account where your money works for you? Look no further than these accounts that offer a variety of options, depending on your financial needs. All accounts listed are insured through the FDIC for varying deposit amounts. Interest rates are reported for the time of publication of this list.

1. Online Savings

Offered through HSBC Direct

High 0.8% APY. Only need $1 to open an account. ATM cards are available for withdrawing money.

Website: Online Savings

2. Premium Online Savings Account

Offered through Amboy Direct

1.0% APY on balances of $20,000 or more. Regular transfers can be set up.

Website: Premium Online Savings Account


3. AmericanDreamSavingsAccount

Offered through Emigrant Direct

0.8% APY. In addition to no minimum balance, direct deposits can be set up with this account.

Website: AmericanDreamSavingsAccount

4. e-Savings Account

Offered through Citibank

Minimum $100 opening balance. Account offers tiered interest rates ranging from 0.1-0.4%.

Website: Citibank Savings Plus Account

5. Ally Financial

APY of 1.04. No minimum deposit. No monthly maintenance fees.



6. Chase

Offered through Washington Mutual

Depending on the amount deposited, the APY is figured according to balance. Offers ATM, in-person, and telephone banking. No monthly charge, although certain fees may apply.

Website: Chase

7. Growth Money Market Savings from Bank of America

No monthly maintenance fee charged to customers who link to an Advantage with Tiered Interest Checking Account or who maintain a balance of at least $2,500.

APR ranges from 0.08-0-.35 %

Website: Growth Money Market Savings

8. Advantage Savings from Principal Bank

Offered through Principal Bank

Opening balance of $25,000. Need to maintain opening balance to avoid fees. Interest rates begin at 0.55% for opening balance amount and are tiered from there on up.

Website: Advantage Savings

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Best Savings Account